بتاریخ های 10 و11 ماه می 2019 انسامبله عمومی سازمان پیکوم(PICUM) در بروکسل تدویر یافت که از طرف انجمن افغانها جناب ویس عزت معاون انجمن افغانها در سویدن درآن اشتراک ورزیده بود.
نماینده انجمن افغانها در سویدن در مجمع همکاری بین المللی در مورد مهاجرین بی اسناد (غیر قانونی) صحبت نمود و مختصراپیرامون آن بدین شرح گزارش میدهد:
انجمن افغان ها برای پیدا کردن شبکه های بیشتر، ایجاد مشارکت و کسب اطلاعات در مورد وضعیت مهاجرین بدون اسناد (غیرقانونی)، در شهر بروکسل حضور پیدا کرد. انجمن افغان ها در این مجمع عمومی کشور های اروپا توانست صدای مهاجران بدون اسناد افغان را برساند. انجمن افغانها در مورد مراقبت های بهداشتی، حق مسکن، دفاع از حقوق و بسیاری از مسائل دیگر با سازمان های مختلف بحث کرده و به پیشرفت هایی دست یافت..
نماینده انجمن افغانها در ملاقات های جداگانه با چندین سازمان فعال سویدن نیز داشت، با انها توافق صورت گرفت که انجمن افغانها یک رابط خوب بین مهاجرین افغان و ایشان خواهد بود. لینک های صفحات این سازمان ها در متن انگلیسی درج گردیده است و شما میتوانید با ایشان در تماس شوید. بقیه معلومات را در گزارش ما که به زبان انگلیسی نوشته شده است بخوانید:
PICUM: Platform for international cooperation on undocumented migrants
Afghan Association in Sweden
10—11 May 2019 was the PICUM General Assembly in Brussels and Afghan association which is a member of this platform needed to attend in the meetings. The purpose of attendance was to come together to engage, strategize and mobilize to improve the situation of undocumented migrants across Europe and beyond.
The Afghan association was there to find more networks, build partnerships and gain vital insights on the situation facing undocumented migrants, while it also shared the problems that Afghan undocumented migrants are facing every day in Sweden. The following topics were discussed:
- Access to healthcare
- Access to Justice
- Undocumented Children, Families and Youth
- Communications
- Right to shelter
The Afghan association has manifested that Migration Agency (MA) in Sweden takes a very long time to process the asylum cases. As soon as an asylum seeker receives its last information about deportation, MA takes their LMA card, cuts the monthly payments, the shelter and even health care rights. Regarding to the health care, since July 1, 2013, undocumented migrants has a subsidized right to health care, according to “Law (2013: 407)”. However, it is too slow and does not cover the ordinary sicknesses.
Afghan undocumented migrants are going through a high depression, several individuals have committed suicide and/or suicide attempts. While lack of shelter, healthcare and food have brought huge negative and destructive impacts on them. There are both individuals and families whom are afraid of contacting any kind of government authorities because they believe it would result to their deportation and thus they cannot go to schools, health clinics and so on.
In different meetings we talked about undocumented migrants’ severe necessities. We stressed that they are in need of psychosocial support, migration counseling, community information, contact with authorities, shelter, language teaching and financial support.
Afghan association had extra meetings with some active organizations in Sweden who were also present in PICUM. We made an agreement that we can guide the Afghans to contact them and together try to support those in need.
Hereby, under each headlines you can find a reference for your specific need. These organizations can even help with limited financial support and residents in emergency and exceptional cases.
- Advocacy and shelter
In cases of advocacy and shelter please contact the following:
- Ahmad Zaki Khalil: in charge for migration questions in the Afghan association:
- Caritas Organization gives psychosocial support, migration counseling, community information, support to contact with authorities, language teaching and a limited shelter and financial support.
Afghan association had a specific meeting with two organization from Nederland and Greece about the shelter for undocumented migrants. Some following meetings will take place soon in order to find a solution for the problem.
- Health care
- Red Cross and Rosengrenska Organizations gives health care supports.
In conclusion, the Afghan association attended the PICUM general assembly in order to bring the voice of Afghan undocumented migrants to an international platform. We discussed the health care, right to shelter, right to advocacy and many other issues with different organizations and came to some progress, which will be followed in the future.
Afghan Association
Vice chairman: Wais Ezat